Thursday, June 6, 2024

DCC Dying Earth monsters in Vaults of Vaarn

I have recently been running Vaults of Vaarn, the group enjoys it and I really love the system. On a related not, for winter holidays my partner gifted me the DCC Dying Earth Box Set, to my great enthusiasm. I don’t actually run DCC (yet) but I sure enjoy there products.

This combination, along with looking through my pdf collection of Ultra Violet Grasslands material, got me thinking, that there are quite some similarities between these games and settings. So why not try and combine them somehow?

As It happens, one of the few things in which I found the VoV Deluxe Edition lacking was the bestiary. While great, there aren’t that many monsters. DCC Dying Earth, has a bestiary of it’s own. So once I started running out of VoV monsters, I reached for the DCC and converted a couple to restock my encounter tables.

 There’s not that many of them, more might follow in the future. Here goes:



  • HD: 4

  • AC: 12

  • Morale: 9

  • Attack: Spear 1d6

  • Appearing: 1d4+1

  • Intelligent, insect size humanoids, that live able to communicate. Often serve as scouts or spies. While pacifists by default, they will fight to defend themselves and their communities


Twk with a Dragonfly mount

  • HD: 4+1

  • AC: 16

  • Morale: 10

  • Attack: Lance 1d6 + 1d4 poison spray AOE (Dragonfly). Critical hit on 18 - 20

  • Appearing: 1d4

  • Twk scouts often ride large dragonflies as their mount. The Dragonfly itself has a HD of 2





  • HD: 2

  • AC: 13

  • Morale: 8

  • Attack: Bite 1d8+1

  • Appearing: Group 2d4

  • Lives primarily below ground or in the darkness. Makes sounds imitating human speech.

Vamp Weed

  • HD: 3+1

  • AC: 14

  • Morale: 12

  • Attack: 1dmg + 1d3 dmg each round (sucking blood). Target needs STR check to flee – with increasing difficulty each round, or the weed continues to drain them of their blood and is immobilized from the waist down

  • Appearing: 1

  • At first glance it appears as seemingly mundane flora, a bit more of a gray color then usual – a patch of 15x25ft patch of grey green grass. It’s not really a plant, but actually is an alien life form.




  • HD: 5

  • AC: 14

  • Morale: 9

  • Attack: Slam 1d6+2. Hoons also attempt to charge and break through barriers or knock down their prey.

  • Appearing: 2d3

  • Large, grey-skined, bipeds, with great elongated limbs. Hoons haunt many a ruin deep in the Vaarnish dessert. 



    I might do more of these in the future if the campaign requires it. I'm also thinking of converting some of the dying earth artifacts into Vaarnish exotica, so I will share that as well.

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