Saturday, February 8, 2025

Solarpunk and it’s role in TTRPG’s

 A few days ago, while we were exploring some thousand-year-old ruins, my partner met a local writer and activist and got into talking. Their discussion revolved around the question, what, in these times when the far-right and corporate power is taking over more and more space in our lives and society, should be the role of fiction? What should it bring to the public? On the way back we got to talking and well my answer to this question was solarpunk. Now I am not a writer, at least not in the traditional sense, but I do write things for (my) games. So how does solarpunk translate into TTRPGs? And specifically into NSR?



Some time ago, I was told that solarpunk does not make for a good RPG (or OSR?) concept, as it’sutopianand hence lacks interesting conflicts. I feel this belief is due to a misunderstanding of solarpunk – just cause it is not a grim dark, brown-grey, everything-is-going-to-hell medieval fantasy, or a corporate, neon, cyberpunk dystopia; solarpunk as a theme is not averse, to struggles, conflicts, and many interesting and difficult choices to be made


The solarpunk visuals of green pastures, cities overgrown with hanging gardens, or Ghibli-like landscapes do not evoke the same emotions as your low-fantasy or cyberpunk settings, sure. Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy those so much, but looking around at the state of current events, and the bleakness that it mirrors in fiction and games, I feel like reaching for something more. A vision of hope, of a way out of it all, a ray of light. And anyway, Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind or Princess Mononoke are damn good fantasy, brimming with intense scenes, tough choices and conflict through the roof...

But okay I am not here to write about movies, even though it is my blog, so I guess I could... Anyway back to RPG games.


One of the defining characteristics of (table-top) role-playing games, is making choices through your characters. Different authors and communities have been able to bring this choice-making to games of various genres and settings – from space operas to the heroic quests of the bronze age, from the weird Wild West, to the filthy streets of medieval European cities and beyond. Solarpunk is no exception.

Over the past couple of years, I have put together a small collection of various solarpunk (inspired) TTRPGs. I do not claim to have read all there is, and for certain I know of several pieces that have so far eluded me. That said I believe there are three games that stand out for me. 





First is Lost Eons, a game I reviewed, that deals with returning back to the surface world, rediscovering and getting in touch with the restored natural world above. Mechanically it is inspired by the 24XX and Blades in the Dark systems. The choices revolve around leaving behind the safehaves(some) humans built to escape the climate collapse, interacting with the various post-human societies and exploring the world. Leaving behind the old and getting to know and understand the new. From unusual communities, friendly and welcoming, to bizarre and cautious, wild beasts, mutations and anomalies of the old... There is plenty of space to embrace conflicts and choices to be made

Lost Eons on Itch

Lost Eons on DrivethruRPG

Autors page





Cloud Empress is a game that has been getting some attention recently. Then again, it is a recent game. Built on Mothership 1e rules, it takes us to a post-collapse world. Visually it is more of a mix of Nausicaä and Art Noveau. The game's motifs involve the magic and power of the ordinary - people, farmers, chalk; big magical bugs; power-hungry lords in Cloud cities dreaming of Empire, Bodyhoppers, time warps, diverse characters, lost relics, and weird shit. Oh yeah also rebellion against the lords above, and living in a world that burned after the old rulers – Torturers, left for the stars and left the poor behind. Pretty solarpunk, I believe. I mean the author directly references Nausicaä, so you can just take their word. 

Cloud Empress on Itch

Cloud Empress on DrivethruRPG

Authors page




Our Vale of Discontent is a system-agnostic, fantasy-solarpunk, mini-setting, with various contentious factions, inventions and technologies based on the energy of the sun, ceramics, mushrooms, and magic(k). A delightful resource filled with content, you can plop into your world as is, or dissect for your needs (it has served me sooo well in that regard). I will just let the authors speak here. The major intended themes of Our Vale is community, power, violence, and how they intertwine. The setting aims to engage with: how communities are built, how trauma affects those communities, and how a community can overcome that trauma to build something new. This setting/module/zine / whatever was designed as solarpunk and it doesn’t hide it. For me, this is the place the start when wanting to mix solarpunk and fantasy. 10 out of 10 and I recommend it all the time. 

Our Vale of Discontent on Itch

Our Vale of Discontent on Exalted Funeral



So okay there are, at least, several noteworthy, solarpunk games, settings/zines. solarpunk is a genre that can be and is, used in TTRPGs. I use it in most of my campaigns myself, as my main setting, is a world struggling to find its way through a climate collapse caused by the onset of industry, where magic and technology mix, the old regimes, reactionaries and those hoping for a new, sunnier, future. Nevertheless, amid all these games, my own or of others, there is something I miss.


A lot of solarpunk fiction deals with a world after things have fallen apart, broken down, the climate collapsed and the world still (somehow) survived and we have been able to build a better, society for us. But sitting in the middle of all of that’s going on, I feel there is more than solarpunk fiction can give us than a glimpse of a far-off future. I believe it can give us a vision, and hope by which we can struggle against, and overcome the looming cyberpunk dystopia that seems to be lurking around the corner.

This brings me to my next idea, an idea for a game about going on adventures to gather resources, and technologies to build and develop our communities, to bring people into those communities and about inspiring others to fight against that cyber-corporate hellscape. But that is the topic of another post, which I will write as soon as I have a more extended pitch and idea (if my ADHD brain allows me to).


Praise the sun.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Experimentator, Mountaineer and Stalker - Cairn 2e Backgrounds


Inspired by a post from diogoNoGood on the /OSR subreddit, I’ve decided to share a few of my backgrounds for Cairn 2e – The Experimentator, The Mountaineer and The Stalker. All three are available (for free of course) down below. But first a couple of explanations. As I'm really not good with blogger, the links to the full backgrounds are at the very end of this post. Also a shoutout to kalkulus on the Cairn discord who provided me with this template they made for the backgrounds.

I developed these backgrounds for an open table hexcrawl I am running in my home city of Bratislava. Actually I used the Cairn 2e Wardens Guide to design the majority of the hexcrawl.  The system I use is an amalgamation of various rules lite systems and my own things on top. This can be seen with the Mountaineer – Answer 3 to the first question, references + 1 contacts, which are a mechanism I use for downtime (I might perhaps describe it in another post). Feel free to replace it with anything that would be useful during downtime in your game. The mentioned rumors can be replaced with omens from the Cairn 2e Players Guide.

The backgrounds were made to fit into the world, where I developed these backgrounds for an open table hexcrawl I am running in my home city of Bratislava. Actually I used the Cairn 2e Wardens Guide to design the majority of the hexcrawl.  The system I use is an amalgamation of various rules lite systems and my own things on top. This can be seen with the Mountaineer – Answer 3 to the first question, references + 1 contacts, which are a mechanism I use for downtime (I might perhaps describe it in another post). Feel free to replace it with anything that would be useful during downtime in your game. The mentioned rumors can be replaced with omens from the Cairn 2e Players Guide.

The backgrounds were made to fit into the world, where I run most of my games – low magic, post-industrial collapse (at the very beginning of the industrial revolution), with a solarpunk motif. Sooo various thingamajigs that are a hybrid of (nature or solar) magic, and technology. For example the Experimentators’ solar lantern, functions with a small light collector, which, when charged can produce light.
If you are interested in solarpunk in OSR, Our Vale of Discontent is the place to start.

Lastly a word about the art. As I’m too slow (and self-conscious) to make my own illustrations I scoured the internet. The art is not my but from various sources, I made sure to credit and add links to the respective authors. Maybe one day I’ll make my own.

But yeah without further ado, below you can find the Experimentator, Mountaineer and Stalker backgrounds (not just) for Cairn 2e. 


 You can find the full version for free on itch


Or below on google drive:

Experimentator background

Mountaineer background

Stalker background














Monday, November 18, 2024

Open table hexcrawl – Bratislava

Otváram hru na najbližších pár mesiacov v Bratislave – Hexcrawl. Hrať budeme Knave 2e, s niektorými mojími vlastnými pravidlami. Knave, je OSR systém, s minimálnymi pravidlami. Jeho špecifickým prvkom je, že je bez povolaní – class-less

Hrať sa bude štýlom open table, – teda kto príde (a zahlási sa dopredu) ten/tá hrá. 
Jednotlivé herne sedenia (sessions) budú stavané tak, aby bolo možné medzi nimi pokračovať v rôznych zostavách, – začínajú a končia “v bezpečí”. Pokiaľ vynecháš jednu či viac sessions, tak sa nič nestane. Prídeš iba o XP. 
V hre pôjde o preskúmavanie severskéhé poloostrova Ukko, jeho tajomstiev a hlbín, zbieranie starých artefaktov, či nedávnych technológii, spoznávanie miestnych mýtov, legiend a histórie a zapájanie sa do plánov jednotlivých frakcii, ktoré sa o ostrov zaujímajú.
Hexcrawl je hra, v ktorej družina preskúmava, nezmapovanú oblasť a odhaľuje jej tajomstvá. V tomto prípade sa jedná o severský polo-ostrov Ukko, pod jeho ľadmi drieme mýtická Slnečná pyramída a Ponorené mesto, z časov pradávnych. O polostrov sa zaujíma Cisárska výskumná spoločnosť, ale aj akýsi miestny slnečný kult, ale aj záhadné postavy z východu. A stále je tu prítomná hrozba miestnych orkov. V hlbinách ostrova, ktorý sa zviecha po celosvetovej priemyselnej katastrofe, drieme nie len mesto a pyramída, ale aj poklady, artefakty a technológie minulosti a kto vie čo všetko ešte...
Ťa toto všetko zaujalo a chceš si prísť zahrať - vyplň prosím tento krátky registračný formulár. Na základe tohto formuláru ti dám vedieť kedy budeme hrať najbližšie.
Hrať budeme aspoň raz do mesiaca a prihlasovanie na hry bude vždy aspoň týždeň v predstihu.

Solarpunk and it’s role in TTRPG’s

  A few days ago, while we were exploring some thousand-year-old ruins, my partner met a local writer and activist and got into talking. The...